St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


圣霍普金斯大学的医师助理研究项目. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 consists of 122 credit hours divided into three phases that span 28 consecutive months:

  • 教学阶段,临床前一年,为期13个月.
  • Clinical Phase, consisting of 14 months of supervised clinical education and coursework.
  • Summative Phase, a five-week-long evaluation and preparation for your future as a graduate PA.
For descriptions of PA courses, please visit our 课程 page.

The curriculum is structured so that courses from semester two build on courses in semester one, etc. 因此, opportunities for transfer of credit into the PA curriculum or advanced placement are not available.

Supervised clinical practice experiences (SCPEs) are distributed among nine clinical field experiences. These experiences form the basis of the clinical and socialization processes for adaptation to the roles and functions of a physician assistant. A separate five-week course is designed for student research.

节目长度 & 学习计划

Students must complete the program in 28 months unless granted a leave of absence for health or personal reasons. Any student who requests and is granted a leave of absence must complete the program in 40 months (28-month program plus one year).



PA 500. 私人助理实务(一)
PA 501. 基础科学I (5)
PA 504. 患者评估I (3)
PA 507. 药理学I (3)
PA 510. 临床医学I (8)
PA 513,医学人文I (1)


PA 502. 基础科学II (5)
PA 505. 患者评估II (3)
PA 508. 药理学II (3)
PA 511. 临床医学II (8)
PA 514. 医学人文II (1)
PA 516. 医学信息学(1)


PA 503. 基础科学III (5)
PA 506. 患者评估III (3)
PA 509. 药理学III (3)
PA 512. 临床医学III (8)
PA 515. 医学人文III (1)



PA 600. 步骤(4)
PA 610. 大师建议书(1)
PA 601-609. 旋转1 (5)
PA 601-609. 轮转2 (5)


PA 601-609. 旋转3 (5)
PA 601-609. 轮转4 (5)
PA 601-609. 旋转5 (5)


PA 601--609. 旋转6* (5)
PA 601-609. 旋转7* (5)
PA 601-609:旋转8* (5)
PA 611. 硕士数据收集(5)



PA 601-609. 旋转9 (5)
PA 601-609. 旋转10 (5)
PA 612. 传播学硕士(2)
PA 613. 总结性回顾(3)




Students are expected to complete the designated professional curriculum in the sequence specified. Each semester's coursework is to be considered prerequisite to the next semester.
  • Students may not enter the program with advanced standing.
  • Students are required to successfully complete, in sequence, all course work as full-time students.
  • There is no opportunity to progress into an advanced semester
  • There is no opportunity to change the order of preclinical coursework.
  • 选修课程仅限于临床学年.
Students are expected to complete each semester on time as a cohort. Student progression will be a function of successfully passing all required courses in a semester:
  • Didactic Phase: Any course failure after attempts at remediation will result in dismissal from the program.
  • 临床阶段:一次轮换可能失败, but with remediation and a repeat of that rotation once only for the Clinical Phase. In that instance, the student's education may continue five more weeks.
  • Summative Phase: The student must pass both the physical assessment exam and the comprehensive written final to pass PA 613. 总结性审查和推荐毕业. If, 修复后, 一个学生不能通过其中一门或两门考试, that student will not be recommended for graduation and will be released from the program. 


To graduate from the PA program and earn the Master of Science in 医师助理研究, (MSPAS)考生必须:

  • achieve a grade of C or better for all courses in the program.
  • 总平均成绩不低于3分.00或更好的完成课程.
  • successfully complete a multi-station OSCE/history and physical skills assessment by score or remediation.
  • successfully complete the comprehensive written final exam by score or remediation.
  • 由项目主席和St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学的教员.
    have paid all debts to the university and be in good standing.


Standards of acceptable performance (cognitive and psychomotor) for courses are communicated to students in writing via the syllabus and orally reviewed at the introduction of each course.

学生必须达到并保持要求的3.00 semester grade-point average (GPA) to remain in good academic standing and graduate from the PA program. 3的政策.00 or better in a graduate professional program has been adopted to better ensure a student’s preparation for future sequential coursework.

Students will be given feedback at the completion of each exam. Performance in Didactic Phase courses is commonly assessed by written exams, 口头报告和/或研究论文, 以及期末的书面(认知)考试. 在指定课程中, psychomotor performance may be assessed by target skill competency exams and small-group exercises.

在课程的教学阶段, grades for cognitive performances will be recorded as a raw score and a percentage. At the end of each course the percentage scores will be converted to a grade, A到F, 每门核心PA课程.

Performance in the Clinical Phase of the program is assessed using a combination of targeted behavioral, psychomotor and clinical competencies relative to the supervised practice objectives and opportunities and, 当表示, SCPE的教学大纲, 会议报告, 以及书面认知测试.

To remain in good academic standing, all PA students must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 3.00 and receive a grade of C or better in all courses (grades of D or F in any course may result in academic dismissal from the program).

另外, a student may not progress to the clinical year of the program with a cumulative GPA of less than 3.这个项目第三学期结束时,我要交100美元.

Faculty will meet formally at the end of each semester to discuss students’ academic progress. Students will be notified of their individual progress in writing. Each bi-weekly faculty meeting will include an agenda item on student progress. 另外, the department will notify the university's Academic Review Committee in compliance with university policy on satisfactory academic progress.


Students in the 医师助理研究 Program are not required to solicit sites for SCPE clinical rotations. PA学生不需要为该项目工作.