St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

Robinson and Falconio residence halls were built as military barracks to house soldiers undergoing specialized training during World War II.


St. Bonaventure welcomed its first class of cadets in 1936. 美国.S. 陆军学员指挥部, 成立于1986年, transformed ROTC into a centralized unit producing lieutenants of outstanding and uniform quality.


As one of more than 300 institutions offering the Army ROTC program, St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 conducts a voluntary general military science program.

该计划始于1936年,当时Fr. Thomas Plassmann, university president, submitted an application to the War Department. The first two years of the program were mandatory for all students.

1936年9月, the first class of cadets began training on campus and in 1939, 7名少尉受命. Twenty officers were commissioned in 1940 and 24 in 1941.

During World War II, ROTC training was suspended at St. Bonaventure in favor of the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP). St. 博纳旺蒂尔的地位和军营一样, and all the rules and regulations in force at Army bases applied on campus.

Two campus residence halls, Robinson and Falconio, were built as military barracks. Members of the classes of 1941-42 joined the enlisted reserve as corporals and upon graduation went to the Officer's Artillery Basic School at Fort Sill, 俄克拉何马州.

The ASTP continued in effect until the end of the war in 1945, at which time the pre-war ROTC program was again instituted at St. Bonaventure with all ROTC graduates being commissioned into the Field Artillery Branch.

During the school year 1969-1970, a general military science (modified) program was instituted. In 1969, the university decreased the mandatory enrollment in ROTC from two years to one year, 在1970年代, the university's Board of Trustees voted to drop the prerequisite of ROTC altogether and make it an elective. The class of 1970 was the last class to graduate students subject to the ROTC requirement.

In addition to its main purpose of providing future officer leadership of the United States Army, 圣. Bonaventure makes significant contributions to the community:

  • 金酒吧俱乐部, a military social club with membership open to all students, is involved with community affairs and sponsors the Annual Military Ball.
  • 大学仪仗队, 最引人注目的后备军官训练团项目, presents the colors in a ceremony of precision drill movements before every home basketball game and at other school events.
  • The toughest and most respected aspect of our training program is Ranger Challenge, a club that provides adventure-related activities to interested cadets such as snowshoeing, 用绳索下降, 自卫和生存训练.

A female cadet with her parents at ROTC commissioning ceremony.
Women constitute 20 percent of the ROTC cadet corps.

U.S. 陆军学员司令部的历史

Although military training had been taking place in civilian colleges and universities as early as 1819, it was the National Defense Act of 1916 that brought this training under a single, 联邦控制实体:后备军官训练队.

Army ROTC is the largest officer-producing organization within the American military, having commissioned more than half a million second lieutenants since its inception.

Women have been an integral part of the Army ROTC since school year 1972-1973. The first group of females from ROTC were commissioned in 1975-1976. 今天, women constitute 20 percent of the corps of cadets and more that 15 percent of each commissioning cohort.

1986年4月.S. 陆军学员司令部成立. Cadet Command transformed ROTC from a decentralized organization turning out a heterogeneous group of junior officers into a centralized command producing lieutenants of high and uniform quality.

今天, Army ROTC has 272 programs located at colleges and universities across the country, 招生人数超过25人,000. It produces more than 60 percent of the second lieutenants who join the active Army, 美国陆军国民警卫队和美国海军陆战队.S. 陆军预备役.

More than 40 percent of active duty Army general officers were commissioned through ROTC. Of even greater importance is that ROTC trained and educated officers bring a hybrid vigor to our officer corps by drawing on the strength and variety of our social fabric.  


后备军官训练队学员指挥徽章The Cadet Command Shield symbolizes the Army mission of National Defense and is divided into quarters representing the four traditional military science courses comprising the senior ROTC curriculum:
  • The sword signifies courage, gallantry, and self-sacrifice intrinsic to the profession of arms.
  • 这盏灯代表对知识的追求, 高等学校, and the partnership of Army ROTC with American colleges and universities.
  • The Greek helmet is symbolic of the ancient civilization concept of the warrior scholar.
  • The motto "Leadership Excellence" expresses the ultimate responsibility of Army ROTC in the discharge of its moral responsibility to the nation.
美国政府正式批准了这一计划.S. 陆军纹章研究所,1986年8月22日.