St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


St. 博纳文蒂尔大学在宾夕法尼亚州沃伦市松林教育中心的双招生计划., enables Warren County School District juniors and seniors to earn 大学 credit and a 大学 experience while completing high school.

全套课程由St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学的教授和学生都被要求遵守与大学生相同的标准.

Students have the option of participating in the program full time (12 or more 学分) or part time (fewer than 12 小时s).

Those who complete the program often begin their post-high school education with enough credits to have the academic standing of a 大学 sophomore or junior. 至少, 他们获得通识教育学分, 让他们直接投入到与学位直接相关的课程中.


你是个大学生, 肩负着和其他大学生一样的责任和期望. 如果你工作努力,准备好迎接挑战, 这是结识新朋友和为大学做准备的好方法.

SBU/Pine Grove的设施

Pine Grove Educational Center provides students with state-of-the-art resources to enhance the learning environment.

an-english-classroom-and-a-chemistry-lab它坐落在 宾夕法尼亚62号公路, our facility contains two classrooms and a large-group instruction area that can be divided into two individual learning environments. 


物理和化学实验室为学生提供了一个动手学习的环境. 酒店还提供带沙发、平板电视和厨房的休息区.

无线高速互联网连接遍及整个设施. 电脑可供学生使用, 然而,建议学生拥有自己的个人笔记本电脑.

学费 & 成本


学费 for juniors and seniors entering the Pine Grove program for the 2023-2024 school year is $630 per 学分. 平均每堂课是3个学时,加上课本费用,相当于1890美元.

由于St. 博纳文蒂尔大学奖学金,沃伦县学区学生每学时630美元, 以及沃伦县社区基金会每学时100美元的奖学金. 没有学生支付超过530美元每学时.

Please note that the cost per student depends on the amount of scholarships and outside funding the student receives. 奖学金和其他援助不能支付的学费由学生自己承担.

Students who are interested in the program but cannot meet its costs should contact a program representative to see if other assistance is available. 沃伦县社区基金会设立了一个额外的基于需求的奖学金项目.