St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学




我们为贝博官网app体彩网's more than 31,每年,我们都欢迎著名班级的成员回到校园,有机会与朋友重新联系,重温他们最喜欢的传统.

  • Celebrating the classes of:


    Reunion is on the horizon for classes ending in 4 or 9, and we're eager to welcome you back to Bonaventure.

    After the return of reunions in 2022 and 2023, 我们有幸在许多校友聚会上招待他们. These events offered valuable feedback, 自2019年上次庆祝活动以来,聚会形式发生了令人兴奋的变化. 我们清楚地听到的是,大家都希望少参加一些有组织的活动,多一点时间和同学们随意交往. Consequently, we've made several adjustments:

    • 为纪念银奖和金奖校友聚会(1999年和1974年),将在校内举行班级聚餐。. 此外,学校还为毕业50年以上的学生准备了校内晚餐.
    • For all other classes celebrating a reunion, happy hours featuring beer, 酒, 开胃菜将在校内举行,而不是在校外举行. 在欢乐时光活动之后,我们将邀请食品卡车到校园提供额外的用餐选择.
    • The Saturday evening reception at the Reilly Center, 向所有校友开放, will continue with an open bar, but will be shortened to two hours, 从6点到8点.m. 招待会结束后, 我们将在联排别墅附近集合,欣赏来自布法罗的乐队“午夜之王”的表演 & Tom Schuh, 84岁.
    • 的餐厅, now back online after a remarkable facelift, will be open throughout the weekend, 还有一些新的聚会空间,比如道尔会议中心, Marchiori Pavilion by Dev, Fairway View Pavilion (formerly the golf clubhouse), and the Foster Memorial Courtyard at Doyle Hall.
    • 3月将开放学生聚会和校内住宿的网上登记(不接受邮寄登记). Please ensure we have your preferred email address on file; those with email will be the first to receive registration details.
